Antwort Should I use HttpClient or WebClient? Weitere Antworten – Which is better HTTPClient or WebClient

Should I use HttpClient or WebClient?
HttpClient is the recommended way of making HTTP requests in . NET, as it is more flexible, efficient, and has better performance compared to WebClient.The Webclient WebDAV service, once a prominent feature in Windows, has been officially deprecated. This indicates that Microsoft is gradually reducing the help and updates for this service, showing that they plan to stop using it in upcoming versions of the operating system.RestSharp is a third-party library developed for the . NET framework to implement HTTP request and response functioning. It's a REST API library that gets wrapped around HttpClient and provides the following functions: It serializes the payload sent to JSON and XML.

What is the difference between HTTPClient and HttpWebRequest : WebClient is just a wrapper around HttpWebRequest, so it uses HttpWebRequest internally. The WebClient bit slow compared to HttpWebRequest. But is very much less code. we can use WebClient for simple ways to connect and work with HTTP services.

What are the disadvantages of WebClient

However, the web client also has some drawbacks, such as slower performance, limited customization, and dependency on the server.

Why use WebClient instead of RestTemplate : The Rise of WebClient:

It offers numerous advantages over RestTemplate: Non-Blocking Operations: WebClient operates on a non-blocking, reactive paradigm using Project Reactor, allowing it to handle concurrency with fewer threads and less overhead, significantly improving scalability and resource utilization.

RestTemplate is Blocking but WebClient is Non-blocking

This means it will wait for a response after making the request to a remote server, thus blocking the thread this whole time. Opposite to it, WebClient is asynchronous and non-blocking in nature thus client doesn't need to wait till a response is received.

WebClient needs an HTTP client library to perform requests with. There is built-in support for the following: Reactor Netty. JDK HttpClient.

When to use HttpClient

Recommended use

Use a static or singleton HttpClient instance with PooledConnectionLifetime set to the desired interval, such as 2 minutes, depending on expected DNS changes. This solves both the port exhaustion and DNS changes problems without adding the overhead of IHttpClientFactory.WebClient was introduced and designed specifically for the WebFlux stack. Unlike RestTemplate, it was not based on an old-fashioned template-based API and followed the modern functional and fluent style API. The WebClient API is much clearer than the RestTemplate, and they are equivalent to HTTP methods.RestTemplate is Blocking but WebClient is Non-blocking

This means it will wait for a response after making the request to a remote server, thus blocking the thread this whole time. Opposite to it, WebClient is asynchronous and non-blocking in nature thus client doesn't need to wait till a response is received.

WebClient offers a modern, non-blocking, and reactive approach to making HTTP requests, making it a superior choice over the deprecated RestTemplate for most use cases. However, with its power comes the responsibility to use it correctly.

Should you reuse HttpClient : If the rate of requests is high, the operating system limit of available ports might be exhausted. To avoid port exhaustion problems, we recommend reusing HttpClient instances for as many HTTP requests as possible.

Is HttpClient thread safe : Yes, HttpClient in C# is designed to be thread-safe and can be used to make concurrent requests from multiple threads or asynchronous tasks.

Should I replace RestTemplate with WebClient

WebClient offers a modern, non-blocking, and reactive approach to making HTTP requests, making it a superior choice over the deprecated RestTemplate for most use cases. However, with its power comes the responsibility to use it correctly.

If the Keep-Alive header is not present in the response, HttpClient assumes the connection can be kept alive indefinitely.For example, the client class for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is Aws::IAM::IAMClient and the Amazon S3 client class is Aws::S3::S3Client . All client classes for all AWS services are thread-safe. When instantiating a client class, AWS credentials must be supplied.

Is HttpClient thread-safe in C# : Thread-safety: The HttpClient class is designed to be thread-safe when used correctly. However, if you're not careful, you can accidentally create race conditions that can lead to unpredictable behaviour. Making your HttpClient read-only can help ensure that it's not modified by multiple threads simultaneously.