Antwort Can you tell if someone has had laser eye surgery? Weitere Antworten – Can you tell if someone had LASIK

Can you tell if someone has had laser eye surgery?
A: An eye doctor would be able to determine if someone has had laser eye surgery upon a comprehensive examination. You can't hide Lasik from everyone, but the average person is not likely to notice the change in the shape of the cornea or the location of the Lasik incision after the normal six month healing period.Whether blade-free LASIK or frame-to-second LASIK, all forms of LASIK surgery are 100% detectable. All can be viewed by an eye doctor using a slit lamp or microscope and are detectable. Even if the issue is not widespread, a slit lamp cannot pick it up. But Lasik can be quickly recognized.After surgery, you may experience mild discomfort and sensitivity to light. Your eyes may look a little bloodshot too. You should wear non-prescription sunglasses or protective goggles for your journey home and take a nap if possible.

Can you see laser eye surgery : You will be able to see, but you will experience fluctuating degrees of blurred vision during the rest of the procedure. The doctor will then lift the flap and fold it back on its hinge, and dry the exposed tissue. The laser will be positioned over your eye and you will be asked to stare at a light.

How can you tell if someone has had eye surgery

One is that when they close their eyes, a scar can be seen. Second, the skin above and below the double eyelid fold looks puffy or swollen. Third, the double eyelid fold does not move with eye opening and closing.

How do people see after LASIK : More than 90% of people achieve vision between 20/20 and 20/40. Even if your vision is not perfect after LASIK surgery, you will be able to perform most daily tasks without glasses. You may need glasses for reading or driving in the dark.

The change of curvature of the cornea helps in reducing the eye power. In majority of people after Lasik the effect is permanent. However a small minority of people may notice blurring of vision in future due to some new eye power. This is either due to minor regression or natural changes occurring in the eye.

In the vast majority of cases, laser eye surgery is a permanent vision correction option for patients. However, with age, your eyes may change and you may experience other vision problems. While the changes made by laser eye surgery are permanent, this will not prevent these age-related changes from occurring.

Can you blink after laser eye surgery

Blinking Won't Be a Problem Either

After the procedure, your eyes may feel a little scratchy, gritty, or watery. These are temporary symptoms that will resolve themselves after a few days.What many don't realize is that LASIK surgery doesn't protect against age-related eye conditions or remove certain refractive errors caused by the thickness of the cornea. For this reason, even individuals who have had successful LASIK surgery may need glasses.While some people may still wear glasses or contact lenses after LASIK, most patients will opt to undergo an enhancement procedure. You may be more likely to need an enhancement procedure if you have a very high prescription. Figures show that enhancement rates are lower in patients with lower prescriptions.

Ghosting following cataract surgery is where there are white or dark areas within the field of vision. The medical term to describe these is dyphotopsia. They occur in a small number of patients. They are not common but occur in a small number of cases following the surgical procedure.

Can your eyes go bad again after eye surgery : It permanently reshapes the tissue in the front of your eye, and these changes last your whole life. However, most people's vision gets worse over time as part of the natural aging process. LASIK can't stop this, so your vision may become blurry again as you get older.

Does ghosting go away after LASIK : Answer: Ghosting a month after LASIK is not unusual and generally resolves as long as your surgeon has made sure that your corneal flap is smooth and no other complications have occurred.

Do eyes look bigger after LASIK

No. It is important to understand that after LASIK or any lens implant surgery you still have (and will always have) a "nearsighted" eyeball, i.e. an eye that is "too big" in diameter. [This is typically the cause of the nearsightedness itself.]

While the effects of LASIK surgery are permanent, the benefits can decrease over time. For most patients, the results of this surgery will last a lifetime. About 10-12% of patients nationwide will need enhancement surgery because of anatomical changes to the eye/eyes.The average age for LASIK has historically been from the mid-30s up. We know that when patients return unhappy with their vision about 10 years after a LASIK procedure, the chief suspects are presbyopia and cataract.

What are the negatives of laser eye surgery : Side effects of laser eye surgery and lens surgery

Most people will have some side effects after laser eye surgery or lens surgery. Common side effects include: light scatter side effects including glare, halos, floaters, starbursts and ghost images. blurred vision.